n e h l s e n

From Waste to Energy

Intergrated Concepts

Our approach to integrated waste management involves recovering materials from waste where pos sible and closing the loop by finding ways to utilise residual waste and to substitute primary resources.


  • Mechanical Biological Treatment(MBT)

    Our MBT plants shred and sort waste and re cover valuable secondary raw materials. The MBT process produces different qualities of refuse- derived fuel (RDF), which are tailored to client needs

  • Refuse Derrived Fuel(RDT)

    RDF replaces traditional fossil fuels in appli - cations such as the cement industry and combined heat and power plants (CHP).
    Nehlsen’s CHP plant in Stavenhagen was among the first RDF-fuelled CHP units in Germany. Planned, built and financed by Nehlsen, the plant was commissioned after a construction period of only 15 months in August 2007. The plant provides the entire energy demand for the neighbouring food-processing plant of Unilever (Pfanni).
    Every year 100 000 tonnes of RDF are used to guarantee the steam and power supply for the Pfanni site, while surplus energy is fed into the national grid. The switch from traditional fossil fuels to RDF at this site saves around 11 000 tonnes of CO2 per year.

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